The University of Wisconsin Nutrient and Pest Management Program (NPM) and Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM)—work to bring research-based information regarding Wisconsin farm profits, water quality, pest management, pesticide use practices, and nutrient management planning to Wisconsin farmers and landowners.

Our website hosts the Wisconsin Crop Manager newsletter in a blog format and provides news, contacts, outreach publications, and contributions from a broad spectrum of UW College of Agricultural and Life Sciences faculty, staff, and programs. Click here to
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Recent WCM articles

  • Metabolic Herbicide Resistance

    Is Metabolic Herbicide Resistance the Straw That Will Break Weed Management’s Back? Jed Colquhoun, UW-Madison, Extension Weed Scientist In a long-term tillage research project in Kansas, a Palmer amaranth population was identified that was resistant …

  • SBOC, One MORE thing to think about this fall?

    Seth Naeve and Shawn Conley, UW-Madison, State Soybean and Small Grains Specialist Fall is time where farmers literally reap the production of their year’s efforts, but fall can be a crazy and chaotic time as …

  • Wisconsin Vegetable Crop Updates

    Amanda Gevens, Professor & Extension Specialist, Plant Pathology Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison A Newsletter for Commercial Potato and Vegetable Growers Prepared by the University of Wisconsin Madison Vegetable Research and Extension Specialists UW-Madison Division of …

  • Corn Rootworm Beetle Survey, Plan For Next Year

    Krista Hamilton, Entomologist, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Beetle pressure has been high across much of the southern half of Wisconsin Wisconsin DATCP’s annual corn rootworm beetle survey was finalized. The survey …

  • Participate in Cover Crop On-Farm Research, Starting this Fall!

    Are you a COVER CROPPER? Do you grow SOYBEAN AND CORN in rotation? Want to host interesting ON-FARM RESEARCH? The UW BeanTeam in collaboration with Dr. Damon Smith, Dr. Rodrigo Werle, the Division of Extension, …

  • More News

There are over 150 IPCM videos on our YouTube channel. A few popular videos are shown below.



Optimizing Nutrient Management page

The challenges for the new growing season of potentially limited fertilizer availability and high prices for the available fertilizer are suspected to increase expenses for crop inputs and can lead to rushed fertility management decisions. Planning that involves crop budgeting, soil testing, and a good nutrient management plan will help confront these fertility challenges.

Select publications
Corn Guide Cover Page

Visual Guide to Corn Development


Winter Wheat Cover Page

Visual Guide to Winter Wheat Development


Soybean Guide Cover Page

Visual Guide to Soybean Growth Stages