Wisconsin Crop Diagnostic Training Center, Aug 9th

Dan Heider, UW-Integrated Pest Management Program

Take time now to register for the 2013 Crop Diagnostic Training Center Workshops.  The August 9th Crop and Pest Management Workshop covering 5 corn and soybean topics is just around the corner and filling up fast.  Utilize our easy and convenient online registration site at: https://www.patstore.wisc.edu/ipm/register.asp

Friday August 9, 2013

Registration Fee: $60 ($75 after 8/1/13)

CCA CEU’s:  5.0 (2.0 Soil & Water, 1.0 Crop Mgmt, 1.0 Pest Mgmt, 1.0 Nutrient Mgmt)

Location: Arlington Ag Research Station

Topics covered:

Small grain troubleshooting

Shawn Conley, Extension Soybean and Small Grains  Specialist

  • Are you prepared to handle all the renewed interest in small grains?
  • This session will explore crop management practices and troubleshooting in oats and wheat

Weed management strategies to combat herbicide resistance

Vince Davis, Extension Weed Specialist

  • Do you really understand best management practices to delay herbicide resistance?
  • This section will give you an opportunity to evaluate multiple weed management programs and discuss their potential at affecting herbicide resistance

Cover Crops aren’t just for weed control any more

Matt Ruark, Extension Soils Specialist

  • Have you considered using cover crops but don’t know where to start?
  • What about all the buzz surrounding tillage radishes?  Is it hype or reality?
  • Evaluate several cover crop species for biomass, soil effects and stand establishment

Fertility programs following a draught year

Carrie Laboski, Extension Soils Specialist

  • In light of dry soils and poor crops last year, where is all the nitrogen?
  • What can pre-plant or pre-sidedress nitrogen tests really tell us?
  • This section will focus on the tools available to customize your nitrogen fertility program

To till or not to till

Francisco Arriaga, Extension Soils Specialist

  • Not just whether to till or not, but also what kind of tillage
  • Does vertical tillage make sense for you?
  • Evaluate tillage effects on residue, soil structure and crop production


Friday – August 9, 2013

8:45 –     9:00     registration / introduction & orientation

9:00 –   12:00   sessions 1-3

12:00 –   12:45     lunch (provided)

12:45 –     2:45     sessions 4-5


For additional information, contact Dan Heider at (608) 262–6491 or via email at djheider@wisc.edu.