The 2016 Summer Hop Field Day will be held Friday, July 8, 2016 in Rosholt, WI. Peggy and Randy Urness, Fine Bine Farms will host the meeting which will begin at 9:30 am. Fine Bine Farms is located at 6001 Ice Age Lane, Rosholt, WI.
This year’s program will include:
- Dr. Amanda Gevens, UW-Extension Horticulture Plant Pathologist
- Dr. Jed Colquhoun, UW-Extension Horticulture Weed Specialist
- Michelle Marks, WI SARE R&E Hop Research Project
- Dr. Carrie Labowski, UW-Extension Fertilizer Specialist
- Tours of harvester and processing equipment
- Field tours of hop yard
Cost is $20 (cash or check) payable at the door. Please register by June 30th to ensure adequate copies of materials. or call 608-685-6256
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