UW-Madison/Extension Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic (PDDC) Update

Brian Hudelson, Sean Toporek, Jake Kurczewski and Ann Joy

The PDDC receives samples of many plant and soil samples from around the state. The following diseases/disorders have been identified at the PDDC from July 2, 2016 through July 8, 2016.

Plant/Sample Type, Disease/Disorder, Pathogen, County

Field Crops
Corn, Eyespot, Kabatiella zeae, Green
Corn, Northern Corn Leaf Blight, Exserohilum turcicum, Adams, Green, Portage
Soybean, Herbicide Damage, None, Green

Fruit Crops
Grape, Anthracnose, Spaceloma ampelinum, Taylor

Vegetable Crops
Lettuce, Root/Crown RotPythium sp., Rhizoctonia sp., Fusarium sp., Washington
Potato, Black Leg, Dickeya sp., Langlade, Portage
Squash, Root/Crown RotPythium sp., Rhizoctonia sp., Fusarium sp., Dane
Tomato, Herbicide Damage, None, Outagamie

Specialty Crops
Hop, Apple mosaic, Apple mosaic virus, Champaign (IL)
Hop, Carlavirus, Unidentified carlavirus, Campaign (IL)

For additional information on plant diseases and their control, visit the PDDC website at pddc.wisc.edu.