Damon L. Smith, Extension Field Crops Pathologist, University of Wisconsin-Madison
A new resource “A4137 – Grain Management Considerations in Low-Margin Years” is now available online for download. This fact sheet is meant to assist you in making informed decisions about your production system in a low-margin production year.
To further complement this new resource, the authors which are team Grains specialists, are hitting the road with a series of talks, “Grain Management in Low-Margin Years” that address how to best handle different aspects of production during low-margin years. The talks will start in in February of 2017 and will take place at locations throughout the state. Each talk is about a half-hour long with time for Q& A. If one of the presenters is not available for any of the dates, the talks will also be available as high quality video presentations. A hardcopy of the A4137 fact sheet will also be handed out at each meeting.
Talks and speakers (authors) include:
- Soybean Inputs that Deliver the Highest ROI in a Low-Margin Year – Shawn Conley, UW Agronomy, Soybean and Small Grains Specialist
- Practical Weed Management for Low-Margin Years – Dan Smith, UW NPM, Southwest Regional Specialist
- Fundamental Soil Fertility Strategies for Success – Carrie Laboski, UW Soil Science, Soil Fertility/Nutrient Management Specialist
- How to Survive and Thrive on Current Corn Price Projections – Joe Lauer, UW Agronomy, Corn Specialist
- Low Grain Prices = Smart Disease Management Decisions – Damon Smith, UW Plant Pathology, Field Crops Pathology Specialist
- Managing Insects Economically Using Conventional Hybrids and Thresholds – Bryan Jensen, UW Entomology, Field Crops Entomology Specialist
- Machinery/Technology Management and Tillage Considerations to Reduce Operational Costs – Francisco Arriaga, UW Soil Science, Soil Science Specialist and Brian Luck, UW Biological System Engineering, Machinery Specialist
- Partial Budget Analysis: A Practical Tool for Low Margin Years – Paul Mitchell, UW Ag & Applied Econ, Cropping Systems Specialist
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