New Instructional Video on Calibrating a Manure Spreader

New Instructional Video on Calibrating a Manure Spreader

Kevin B. Shelley, UWEX Nutrient and Pest Management Program

The UW Extension Nutrient and Pest Management Program has produced an instructional video on determining manure application rates as part of the process in determining nutrient credits from field applications of solid and semi-solid livestock manure.

Featured in the video is the process of weighing a manure spreader to determine the net weight of a representative load of manure using portable wheel weighing pad scales.  This enables a farmer to estimate manure application rates, in tons per-acre, by keeping track of the number of loads spread on a field or area of known acreage.  Knowing the application rate, together with the nutrient content of the manure, will allow calculation of the amount of N, P and K that can be credited toward crop needs as recommended by a soil test.

Manure spreader calibration is also discussed.  This is shown as measuring an area to which two or more loads have been spread, calculating the application rate in tons per-acre, and then making ground speed or discharge rate adjustments, if desired, to get toward a specific application rate goal.  Resources for additional information are also mentioned in the video.

The video can be viewed on the UWEX YouTube channel website at

Watch the video in HD high definition by clicking on the “360” -“720HD” option below the video when you are on the YouTube website!