CCA Pre-Test Training Webinar Series

CCA Pre-Test Training Webinar Series

Bryan Jensen, IPM Program

The University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Service, Wisconsin Crop Production Association and the UW Integrated Pest Management Program will be offering a series of online webinar training session that are intended to help people prepare for the state CCA exam. This webinar series will be broadcast via live internet connection and participants will be able to view the presentation and have the capability to ask questions. Instruction will start November 29 at 2:30-5:00 and continue on the following Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for three weeks Please see the training schedule for a detailed list of dates, speakers and topics.

Participants will need a newer computer and a fast internet connection. A URL will be provided in advance to test hardware sound and video capabilities. Electronic resources will also be provided to participants. Costs for the webinar series and electronic references is $90/person. Checks should be made payable to University of Wisconsin-Madison and mailed to Bryan Jensen, Dept. of Entomology, 1630 Linden Dr., Madison, WI 53706. Please include name of participant, address, telephone number and email address (required). Or, credit cards can be accepted online at:

For more questions on this training program call or email Bryan Jensen at 608-263-4073,   For more information on the CCA program, international and state performance objectives and exam registration please go to the CCA website at

Click here for the webinar schedule.