IPM Toolkit app for iPhones and iPad

IPM Toolkit Now Available for iPhones and iPad

Roger Schmidt and Paul Esker
Integrated Pest Management Program, University of Wisconsin

It is with great pleasure that we take this opportunity to announce the launch of the IPM Toolkit Version 1.0 , available in the iTunes app store.  Our first generation app provides many of the great tools that you have come to expect through the Integrated Pest and Crop Management website, which was also updated recently!

Recognizing the need to access data at different times and any location, the IPM Toolkit was developed to run on mobile devices enabling you to stay up-to-date as items get posted on the internet throughout the growing season.

Access to information requires different connections, with cellular data or Wi-Fi connections needed to access the News, Video, and Publications, and no network connection required to access the Picture toolbar. No connection is needed to read publications you save in iBooks using the Toolkit app, thus giving you access to important documents and reports for use in the field.

The app is available for free so take the time to have a look and test out the different features. We are very interested in receiving your feedback regarding this tool as well as any comments and suggestions for other apps that you would feel would be of use in your daily activities related to pest management. We are working to develop a version of this app for use with Android smartphones.

Features in the IPM Toolkit app

News, including articles from the Wisconsin Crop Manager blog, and UW-Madison and UW-Extension specialist Twitter feeds .

Videos from our UW-Extension YouTube playlists.

picture of iPad screen

 Screenshot of the Video page, showing an example video, as see on an iPad. There is an email button that enables the user to send the YouTube link to other interested persons.


Publications from the extensive IPCM library.

picture of iPhone screen

 Screenshot of the Publications page as shown on an iPhone. Publications can be examined using “Quick Look”, opened into iBooks, or opened in other app software that the user may have. Additionally, the PDF can be sent via email to other interested stakeholders.

 Pictures, with our goal to develop and expand on this section, that provide you scrolling photos and visual tools to help with IPM scouting, identification, assessment, and management.

picture of iPad screen

Screenshot of the Pictures page, showing an example, as see on an iPad.


Download, IPM Toolkit Version 1.0, available free in the iTunes app store.

Acknowledgments: We greatly thank the North Central IPM Center (Subaward No. 2007-04967-36) for providing financial support for this project. We also thank John Schmidt for his programming efforts in the development of the app.