Crop Management Info Courtesy of the Soybean Checkoff

Access a Wealth of Crop Management Info Courtesy of the Soybean Checkoff

Paul Esker, Professor; Escuela de Agronomía; Universidad de Costa Rica


As part of its tech transfer efforts, the United Soybean Board purchased 500 one-year subscriptions to the Plant Management Network (PMN) for soybean growers and the consultants who work for them. These subscriptions are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, and they are intended for individuals who did not subscribe during USB’s 500-subscription promotion last fall.

This subscription includes access to PMN’s entire collection of “Focus on Soybeans” webcasts. More than 50 soybean webcasts have been produced to date, and they feature actionable crop management information from experts who work in the field. PMN subscriptions also include access to nearly 8,000 fungicide, nematicide, insecticide, and biological control trials; more than 1,000 applied crop management research articles; nearly 3,000 crop management news articles; about 5,000 images; tens of thousands of extension documents, and other information useful for growers and consultants. All this information is located through in one central website and searchable by keyword.

You can sign up for a free one-year subscription to all the Plant Management Network’s content through the signup form at the following short link:

Just enter the required contact information, scroll down toward the bottom of the page, enter your preferred username and password, and click “submit”. Make sure to record your username and password on paper for safekeeping.

Once you subscribe, you’ll get article alerts once a month in the form of PMN’s Update newsletter. Click through to whatever content you like. If it’s subscriber-only content, you’ll be prompted to fill in your username and password.

Here’s a listing of PMN’s soybean-inclusive resources, all of which can be accessed through Focus on Soybean

There are only 500 subscriptions, and they went quick the last time this was done. So please fill out the signup form as soon as possible!