Double Crop Soybeans in WI May be A Gamble Worth Taking in 2012

Double Crop Soybeans in WI May be A Gamble Worth Taking in 2012

Shawn P Conley, State Soybean and Small Grain Specialist and John Gaska, Extension Outreach Specialist

The Wisconsin winter wheat crop remains 3 weeks (developmentally) ahead of where we were at this time last year. If this progress continues we can realistically be cutting dry wheat in southern WI by July 1st. Couple that with Nov. CBOT soybean contracts at $12.81 (5/22/12) and though still risky we can start to pencil out a potential profit for WI growers to double crop soybeans in 2012. The first two questions growers considering double crop soybean will likely ask are “What can be done to expedite wheat harvest” and “Can I apply glyphosate or some other desiccant to my winter wheat to aid in dry down?”

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