Pest Management Mobile Available

Pest Management Mobile Available

Mark Renz, Extension Weed Scientist, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Extension

Don’t forget that access to key information in Pest Management in Wisconsin Field Crops (A3646) is now available for smartphones and tablets.  This past fall we have made several of the key resources available via a mobile website (  This website summarizes key tables in A3646. From this website you have access to:

  1. Planting interval for rotational crops (Appendix table 2)
  2. Harvesting and grazing restrictions for forage herbicides (Table 4-5)
  3. Fungicides use in corn (Table 2-13)
  4. Fungicides use in soybeans (Table 3-11)
  5. Fungicides use in small grains (Table 5-5)
  6. Bt Traits (Table 2-11)
  7. Restricted Entry Interval (Appendix tables 1a, 1b, 1c)
  8. Rainfastness of herbicides (Table 2-6)

While this will never fully replace a hardcopy of A3646, it is our hope that this website will make information critical to pest management in agronomic crops available remotely.   If you have a chance please bookmark this website!  We hope to continue to expand access of this resource remotely in the future.