We Know You Know One!

We Know You Know One!

Bryan Jensen (IPM Program, WI CCA board)

A great CCA that is!  The WI CCA Board is accepting nominations for the 2013 WI CCA of the Year Award.  Please take the time to show your respect and nominate them for this prestigious award.  The requirements are simple.  That person must hold a current WI CCA certification and do great work.  The nomination process is simple.  An individual may self-nominate or nominations may come from an employer, colleague, competitor or client.  A nomination form must be completely filled out and three letters of reference are required.

Tips on completing the nomination are available online.  Completed nomination packets must arrive by the March 1, 2013 deadline.  Nominees will be evaluated only on the information submitted in the nomination packet.  The recipient will receive a commemorative plaque, a $500 award and their nomination packet will be forwarded for the ICCA of the Year Award.

Electronic applications are preferred; however, applications can be faxed or mailed.  Unsuccessful applications will not automatically be reconsidered the following year.  For more information contact Bryan Jensen, Dept. of Entomology, 1630 Linden Dr., Madison, WI 53706, Fax: 608-262-3322, bmjense1@.wisc.edu

Not sure if you have the time?  Ask some of our past WI CCAs of the Year like, Don Schmidt, Rachel Mueller, Wayne Wells or Cyndi Heath and see what it meant to them.  Or perhaps you could ask Ed Ruff or Carl Nachreiner, both ICCA’s of the year.  Do you have the time now?