Wisconsin Pest Bulletin 11/8/12

Wisconsin Pest Bulletin 11/8/12

Issue No. 21 of the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin is now available at:
http://datcpservices.wisconsin.gov/pb/index.jsp     PRINT THIS ISSUE

PLEASE NOTE:  This final Wisconsin Pest Bulletin of 2012 provides a post-growing season summary of prevailing insect and plant disease conditions and related weather. Once again, our sincerest thanks to the many cooperators, farmers, county agents and consultants who contributed their time and valuable information to the survey program this year.

I N S I D E   T H I S   I S S U E

PEST HIGHLIGHTS:  Severe variegated cutworm and spider mite problems in 2012

FORAGES & GRAINS:  Potato leafhoppers favored by extreme heat and dryness

CORN:  European corn borer population declines to 71-year low

SOYBEANS:  Soybean aphid densities lowest in history of Wisconsin aphid surveys

WEEDS:  Results of DATCP’s surveys for three invasive weed species

FRUITS:  Spotted wing drosophila detected in 13 Wisconsin counties since 2010

VEGETABLES:  Summary of 2012 late blight observations

NURSERY & FOREST:  Update on emerald ash borer and gypsy moth quarantines