New Extension Fruit Crop Entomologist at UW-Madison

Dr. Christelle Guédot has joined the Department of Entomology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as the new fruit crop extension entomologist.

Guedot Picture
Christelle Guédot grew up in Montpellier, southern France, where she obtained her undergraduate degree in physiology and cell biology and her Master’s degree in neurobiology. Christelle then moved to the US in 1998 and obtained her PhD from Utah State University in Logan, UT, where she worked on the nest location and nest recognition of two solitary bees, i.e. the alfalfa leaf-cutting bee and the blue orchard bee, two commercially important pollinators.

Christelle moved in 2005 to Yakima, WA, where she worked at the USDA-ARS laboratory on the biology, behavior, electro-physiology, and chemical ecology of pest insects of fruit trees and vegetables.

As the new Extension Fruit Crop Entomologist, Christelle is excited to combine her doctoral and post-doctoral experience to further the understanding of plant-insect interactions in fruit crops. Her research program focuses on 1) developing and refining effective, economical, and environmentally sound insect pest management (IPM) strategies; 2) determining the importance of pollinators and developing strategies for conserving and enhancing pollination services for fruit crops in Wisconsin. The focus of her extension program is to provide up to date, research-based information to Wisconsin fruit growers on effective and sustainable IPM practices and on pollination services.

If you would like to contact Christelle she can be reached by email at Dr. Christelle Guédot. Information about Christelle’s program at UW can be found at