Nutrient Management Farmer Education Curriculum Revised

Nutrient Management Farmer Education Curriculum Revised

Nutrient Management Farmer Education Curriculum Revised

An updated Nutrient Management Farmer Education Curriculum was released in late January 2013. This popular collection of nutrient management education and evaluation tools is produced jointly by the UW Discovery Farms Program, the Nutrient and Pest Management (NPM) Program, the UW-Extension Environmental Resources Center, and the UW-Extension Nutrient Management Team.

Changes to the 2013 version of the curriculum include:

1) Updates to be consistent with the recently revised UW-Extension publication Nutrient Application Guidelines for Field, Vegetable, and Fruit Crops in Wisconsin (A2809),

2) Updates from state and federal agencies regarding the status of their respective nutrient management programs.

3) Revisions to the evaluation tools.

The Nutrient Management Farmer Education Curriculum is contained on a CD that includes core and optional presentations, speaker notes, associated publications and worksheets, a suggested program evaluation procedure, and a user’s manual.

If you have not yet received a 2013 version of the curriculum or would like additional copies, please contact Scott Sturgul by e-mail at or by phone at 608-262-7486.