2013 Agronomy/Soils Field Day at Arlington on August 28th

The Departments of Agronomy and Soil Science in conjunction with the Arlington Agricultural Research Station will host their annual field day on August 28, 2013. The field day will highlight UW-Madison research with a theme of “Risk Mitigation in Today’s Economic Climate”. The field day will begin at 8:00 am and run until 2:30 pm. Lunch will be available for $5.

Field Crop Tour (offered two times in morning only)

  1. Advancements in 80+ years of soybean genetics lessens penalty of low seeding rates and raises questions about weed suppression through canopy development (Vince Davis)
  2. Can yield maps predict future yields? (Joe Lauer)
  3. Soybean Potpourri: Diversity and Management of Fusarium spp. in WI Cropping Systems and R.O.I. for Soybean Seed Treatments (Shawn Conley, David Marburger, and Adam Gaspar)

Forage Crop Tour (offered two times in morning only)

  1. Planting alfalfa with corn silage, can we get a viable alfalfa stand? (Mark Renz)
  2. Weed management while establishing switchgrass (Ariel Larson, Mark Renz)
  3. Oats as an emergency forage (Ken Albrecht)

Soils Tour (offered once in morning and once in afternoon)

  1. Efficacy of aglime and pell lime in notill and chisel systems (Carrie Laboski)
  2. Grassed waterways and other conservation practices: when, where, and why (Francisco Arriaga)
  3. Performance of legume, grass, and brassica cover crops (Matt Ruark)

Luncheon Presentation

Paul Mitchell from the Department of Ag and Applied Economics will present “A first look at the Farm Bill”.

Please note that the Field Crop Tour and Forage Crop Tour will only be offered in the morning. If you plan to attend all three tours, please attend the Field Crop Tour and Forage Crop Tour in the morning and the Soils Tour in the afternoon.