Vegetable Crop Updates newsletter 12

Amanda Gevens, Assistant Professor & Extension Vegetable Plant Pathologist, UW-Madison, Dept. of Plant Pathology

Topics in the newsletter include:

  • DSVs/Blitecast for late blight management
  • PDays for early blight management in potato
  • Cucurbit downy mildew status
  • Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) alert in fruit
  • Announcement for WI Seed Potato Certification Open House (July 19)
  • Announcement for Hoop House Construction workshop (from Farley Center)

[wpfilebase tag=file path=’vgu/July 15 2013.pdf’ /]

As a reminder, we have newsletters and several fact sheet items available at the UW Vegetable Pathology website in Spanish thanks to UW-Plant Pathology graduate student Amilcar Sanchez Perez. Spanish versions are hyperlinked and available at newsletter and late blight tabs. Also, a good time to offer many thanks to Vaughan James for continual support of our disease forecasting and website efforts, and Ken Frost for 2013 novel forecast contributions.

UW Vegetable Pathology now has additional online information sharing through facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. See below for links.

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