Wisconsin Pest Bulletin

Issue No. 12 of the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin is now available at:
http://datcpservices.wisconsin.gov/pb/index.jsp     PRINT THIS ISSUE

I N S I D E   T H I S   I S S U E

LOOKING AHEAD:  First economic soybean aphid populations noted on July 22

FORAGES & GRAINS:  Potato leafhopper counts still below-threshold

CORN:  Western bean cutworm flight to peak by early August, counts remain low

SOYBEANS:  Preliminary results of the annual soybean aphid survey

FRUITS:  Spotted wing drosophila detected in Iowa County since the last report

VEGETABLES:  Squash bugs a common problem for gardeners this season

NURSERY & FOREST:  Gypsy moth aerial spraying finished for the year

DEGREE DAYS:  Degree day accumulations through July 24, 2013