New Android app, Crop Calculators for Corn

Crop Calculators is an Android app that lets corn growers calculate grain yields, maturity dates, and silage price adjustments using their smartphones. This app was created by the NPM program, and is based on university research data from Joe Lauer, UWEX corn agronomist.

Crop Calculators has three corn crop calculators:

Silage Moisture Cost Adjuster for Corn

  • This calculator makes it easy to see how the price for a ton of silage changes if the percent moisture at harvest is different from the negotiated moisture.
  • Enter the negotiated moisture and price for your corn silage.
  • Then enter the actual moisture content. The adjusted price will be calculated.
  • To create and share a report of your calculation, use the “Email report” button provided.

Maturity Date Predictor for Corn

  • When you enter a tassel date, the app displays date ranges for 50% kernel milk (R5.5, 42-47 days) and black layer (R6, 55-60 days).
  • If you then enter a frost date, these date ranges will change color to indicate whether the frost will occur before or after the date range.
  • Green indicates that the predicted frost occurs after the beginning of the range. Red indicates a warning that the frost date occurs before the maturity range.
  • To create and share a report of your calculation, use the “Email report” button provided.

Grain Yield Estimator for Corn

  • The number of bushels of corn per acre is estimated after you enter the density of your field in plants per 1000th acre. There is a help screen to assist with this easy measurement.
  • There are three additional inputs to fine tune the estimate. They have suggested values already in place, which you can adjust throughout the growing season.
  • To create and share a report of your calculation, use the “Email report” button provided.