David Marburger, Shawn Conley and John Gaska, Department of Agronomy, UW-Madison; Ann MacGuidwin and Damon Smith, Department of Plant Pathology, UW-Madison
Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) is an economically important pest of soybean in Wisconsin. It was first discovered in the southeastern part of the state in 1981 and now is found in over 90% of the state’s soybean acres (Figure 1). It is caused by the soybean cyst nematode, a non-segmented roundworm that inhabits the soil. More recently, another economically important disease of soybean, Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), was first found in southeastern WI in 2006. A fungus found in the soil called Fusarium virguliforme is the causal agent of SDS.
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