Final Announcement for the 2014 Wisconsin Corn Conferences

Joe Lauer, Corn Agronomist

Announcing the 2014 Corn Conference meeting series sponsored by UWEX and the Wisconsin Corn Growers Association. We invite you to be a part of these conferences.

We have a limited mailing list of contacts from previous meetings, but really depend on local agents for the most effective publicity. Please inform farmers from your county or area, and encourage them to attend. Please do not expect the host agent to promote this event in your county. Three hours of Certified Crop Advisor CEU credits in crop production were requested for each session.

There is a $5.00 registration fee per participant. The information packet will contain 2014 corn hybrid trial results, plus numerous production related reference materials. Additional copies of the packet will be available for purchase at the meeting.

Below is a list of topics, meeting sites, dates and times. Join us at a meeting in your area.

January 28 – Oshkosh – La Sure’s Banquet Hall
January 29 – Viroqua – VFW POST 3032
January 30 – Poynette – The Barn at Harvest Moon Pond

2014 Wisconsin Corn Conference Program

9:30 am  Registration
Coffee, milk, rolls in Exhibit Area

10:00 am  Welcome
Opening remarks by Host Agent

10:10 am
2014 Corn Production and Management Keys to High Yields and Profitability
Dr. Joe Lauer – UWEX Corn Agronomist

11:00 am
What is Ahead for Wisconsin Corn?
How Our Association Helps Producers
Mr. Bob Oleson – WCGA/WCPB Executive Director and WCGA/WCPB Directors

11:30 am
What is New in Seeds and Ag Products for 2014?
Industry Co-sponsor Representatives

12:00 pm   LUNCH
Exhibits open

1:00 pm
Nutrient Use Efficiency: A Key to Profitability
Dr. Carrie Laboski – UWEX Soil Scientist
Mr. John Peters – UWEX Soil Scientist

1:50 pm
Grain marketing outlook and strategies for 2014
Dr. Brenda Boetel – UW River Falls Ag Economist

2:40 pm
Tips for Successful Corn Production and Profitability

Oshkosh: Comparing Continuous Corn to Crop Rotation
Nick Schneider, Winnebago County Agent

Viroqua: Land Rent Negotiations
Tim Rehbein, Vernon County Agent

Poynette: Land Rent – What should I pay?
George Koepp, Columbia County Agent

3:30 pm
Conference Adjourns

Support for the 2014 Wisconsin Corn Conferences provided by:

The Climate Corporation
Dairyland Seed Company
Partners in Production
Legacy Seeds
First Capital Ag
Mycogen Seed
Dupont Pioneer Hi-Bred
Contree Sprayer and Equipment Company
Asgrow/Dekalb (Monsanto)
Wisconsin Corn Growers Association
Wisconsin Corn Promotion Board

To view the brochure for this event click on the link below:

[wpfilebase tag=file path=’misc/CC2014Brochure(2).pdf’ /]

Thanks for your help. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Joe Lauer
University of Wisconsin
1575 Linden Drive – Agronomy
Madison, WI  53706

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