Crop Management Updates, Hillsboro and Sparta, WI
Friday February 21, 2014
9:30 Registration
Program 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Jake’s Northwoods Sparta, WI & Hillsboro Firemen’s Community Center Hillsboro, WI
Topics: (Speakers will rotate between locations between morning and afternoon)
Farm Bill and Crop Insurance Update for 2014- Dr. Paul Mitchell, UW Extension Ag Economist
Extreme Nutrient Management- Dr. Carrie Laboski, UW Extension Soil Scientist
Do’s and Don’ts of Soil Compaction Management- Dr. Francisco Arriaga,UW Extension Soil Scientist
Weed Management on 2013 Prevent Planted Acres and Cover Crop Weed Management- Dr. Vince Davis, UW Extension Weed Scientist
Get the Most from Your Time Crop Scouting:Tips and Practices for Efficient Crop Scouting- Bryan Jensen, UW IPM Program Specialist
Local Updateincluding Alfalfa Fungicide Trial Results from 2013- One of the Area UW Extension Agriculture Agents
Please pre-register for this workshop to help us plan accordingly for meals and handout materials:
To pre-register for the Sparta location contact the Monroe County Extension Office at 608-269-8722 by February 17th
To pre-register for the Hillsboro location contact the Vernon County Extension Office at 608-637-5276 by February 17th