Webinar: Corn Rootworm Management in the Transgenic Era

Bryan Jensen, IPM Program

A free webinar is being offered by the North Central Region’s extension and research entomologists on February 20, 2014.  Several speakers will present timely topics which are listed below.  The webinar starts at 1 pm and will conclude by 3:30.  This webinar is supported by a USDA-NIFA North Central IPM program grant.

You will need a computer with speakers and can start the connection process 5 minutes prior to the planned start time by navigating to https://connect.unl.edu/r9ra3734mey/  When you arrive at the login page, click the radio button that allows you to “Enter as a Guest”, type in your name and hit the “Enter Room” button.

To test your connection prior to the start of the webinar (suggested), or for troubleshooting during the webinar click on http://www.extension.iastate.edu/testconnect/


Rootworm biology and behavior; Dr. Joe Spencer, Illinois Natural History Survey
Resistance evolution and IRM for rootworm; Dr. Aaron Gassmann, Iowa State University
Adult management options: Dr. Lance Meinke, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Larval management options: Dr. Bob Wright, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Decision tree for grower management options; Dr.  Ken Ostlie, University of Minnesota