UW Crop Diagnostic Training Center workshops for 2014

Registration is open for UW-Madison Integrated Pest Management Program’s two Crop Diagnostic Training Center workshops for 2014. The Diagnostic Troubleshooting Workshop will be held July 15, 2014. The Crop & Pest Management Workshop will be held August 5, 2014.

FAST and easy ONLINE registration by credit card:


Both workshops will be hosted at the Arlington Agricultural Research Station. Be aware that this is not a “traditional” field day. These training sessions are designed to be primarily in-field and hands-on. We advise that attendees come prepared to be in the field and ready for all types of weather. CCA CEU’s are available as listed, but are subject to change pending approval from the Certified Crop Advisor Program.

Contact Dan Heider at 608-262-6491, or email djheider@wisc.edu

Diagnostic Troubleshooting Workshop

Date:               July 15, 2014

Location:         Arlington Ag Research Station

CCA CEU’s:   4.0

Tiered fee: $75 before 7/1/11, $90 after 7/1/11

Topics Covered: This Workshop gives you the opportunity to fine tune your crop diagnostic skills in a fun and interactive setting. Small groups will rotate through field problems with UW Specialists role-playing as farmers. Through digging up plants, asking questions and consulting references participants will make a diagnosis of the problem being observed and a recommendation for correction. Each participant will experience 8 separate diagnostic scenarios.

Tuesday – July 15, 2014

9:00 –     9:20   registration

9:20 –     9:30   introduction/orientation

9:30 –   12:00     sessions 1-5

12:00 –   12:45     lunch (provided)

12:45 –     2:15     sessions 6-8

Crop & Pest Management Workshop

Date:               August 5, 2014

Location:         Arlington Ag Research Station

CCA CEU’s:   0.5 Crop Management, 3.5 Pest Management, 1.0 Nutrient Management

Tiered fee: $75 before 7/25/14, $90 after 7/25/14

A multi-disciplinary and in-depth workshop covering agronomic concerns ranging from identification of crop and pest production problems to management options within production systems.

Tuesday – August 5, 2014

8:30 –     8:50   registration

8:50 –     9:00     introduction/orientation

9:00 –   12:00   sessions 1-3

12:00 –   12:45     lunch (provided)

12:45 –     2:45     sessions 4-5

Topics Covered:

Nutrient uptake and partitioning in soybeanShawn Conley, Extension Soybean and Small Grains Specialist

  • Soybean nutrient requirements change with developmental stage
  • Learn to understand these nutrient requirements and their effects on the growth and development of high yielding soybeans

Herbicide Mode of Action Vince Davis, Extension Weed Specialist

  • Understanding herbicide mode of action is critical to developing effective resistance management strategies
  • This session will emphasize herbicides and emerging crop technologies, their use and resistance management strategies

The trait game Bryan Jensen, UW Integrated Pest Management Specialist

  • This session begins with a brief discussion on the biology and current management problems of Bt resistant western corn rootworm
  • Learn to evaluate multiple corn rootworm management strategies for their efficacy and effectiveness in delaying the development of resistance

SCN / SDS InteractionDamon Smith, Extension Plant Pathology Specialist

  • Soybean cyst nematode and sudden death syndrome are both major yield limiting problems in soybean
  • Learn to recognize/diagnose crop symptoms and discover where current research is on interactions between SCN and the SDS causing fungus

Spray drift mitigation in crop pest managementDaniel Heider, UW Integrated Pest Management Specialist

  • Drift reduction has made great strides, but new emerging herbicide resistant technologies will require you to remain vigilant on drift
  • Evaluate nozzles and other drift reduction technology in a field setting to better understand drift and how to manage it

To view the flyer for the workshops follow the link below:

[wpfilebase tag=file path=’misc/CDTC2014-flyer5.pdf’ /]