WI Vegetable Crop Update issue 10, June 20

In This Issue

  • Vydate registration updates – onion Late blight updates
  • Blitecast and P-Days for late blight and early blight management
  • Crop Diagnostic Training Workshops

Calendar of Events

  • June 26 – WI IPM Field Day, Arlington Ag Research Station, Arlington, WI
  • July 15 – Crops Diagnostic Workshop, Arlington Ag Research Station, Arlington, WI
  • July 18 – UW Potato Breeding Station Tour, Rhinelander Ag Research Station
  • July 22– UW-Hancock Agricultural Research Station Field Day, Hancock, WI
  • August 5 – Crops Diagnostic Workshop, Arlington Ag Research Station, Arlington, WI
  • August 12-14 – Farm Technology Days, Stevens Point, WI
  • August 21 – 1:00PM Antigo Field Day, Antigo, WI

[wpfilebase tag=file path=’vgu/VeggieCropUpdateJune20-2014.pdf’ /]

Vegetable Disease Update – Amanda J. Gevens, Assistant Professor & Extension Vegetable Plant Pathologist, UW-Madison, Dept. of Plant Pathology,

Veg Pathology Webpage: http://www.plantpath.wisc.edu/wivegdis/