Crop and Pest Management Workshop Aug 5

Registration is still open for UW-Madison Integrated Pest Management Program’s Crop & Pest Management Workshop to be held August 5, 2014.

FAST and easy ONLINE registration by credit card:

Crop & Pest Management Workshop

Date:               August 5, 2014

Location:         Arlington Ag Research Station

CCA CEU’s:   1.0 Crop, 3.0 IPM, 1.0 Nutrient Management

Tiered fee: $75 before 7/25/14, $90 after 7/25/14

A multi-disciplinary and in-depth workshop covering agronomic concerns ranging from identification of crop and pest production problems to management options within production systems.

8:30 –     8:50   registration

8:50 –     9:00     introduction/orientation

9:00 –   12:00   sessions 1-3

12:00 –   12:45     lunch (provided)

12:45 –     2:45     sessions 4-5

Topics Covered:

Nutrient uptake and partitioning in soybean – Shawn Conley, Extension Soybean and Small Grains Specialist

  • Soybean nutrient requirements change with developmental stage
  • Learn to understand these nutrient requirements and their effects on the growth and development of high yielding soybeans

Herbicide Mode of Action – Vince Davis, Extension Weed Specialist

  • Understanding herbicide mode of action is critical to developing effective resistance management strategies
  • This session will emphasize herbicides and emerging crop technologies, their use and resistance management strategies

The trait game – Bryan Jensen, UW Integrated Pest Management Specialist

  • This session begins with a brief discussion on the biology and current management problems of Bt resistant western corn rootworm
  • Learn to evaluate multiple corn rootworm management strategies for their efficacy and effectiveness in delaying the development of resistance

SCN / SDS Interaction – Damon Smith, Extension Plant Pathology Specialist

  • Soybean cyst nematode and sudden death syndrome are both major yield limiting problems in soybean
  • Learn to recognize/diagnose crop symptoms and discover where current research is on interactions between SCN and the SDS causing fungus

Spray drift mitigation in crop pest management – Daniel Heider, UW Integrated Pest Management Specialist

  • Drift reduction has made great strides, but new emerging herbicide resistant technologies will require you to remain vigilant on drift
  • Evaluate nozzles and other drift reduction technology in a field setting to better understand drift and how to manage it

The workshop will be hosted at the Arlington Agricultural Research Station. Be aware that this is not a “traditional” field day. These training sessions are designed to be primarily in-field and hands-on. We advise that attendees come prepared to be in the field and ready for all types of weather.

Contact Dan Heider at 608-262-6491, or email

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