Think twice before replanting soybeans – research results

Adam P. Gaspar, Shawn P. Conley, & John M. Gaska Deptartment of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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The first step in deciding if replanting is required is to determine the initial plant stand. This study demonstrated that replanting soybean stands below the threshold (100,000 plants/a) by filling in the existing stand, increased yields regardless of the date (May- June 20th) and seed treatment use. Below threshold plant stands should be filled in with enough seed to bring the final stand above 100,000 plants/a. Using tillage and replanting the entire stand greatly limited yield potential, even at replant seeding rates of 220,000 seeds/a. This is due to the entire plant stand being replanted or essentially planted later, which reduces yields by 0.32 bu/a/day on average.

These replant recommendations are applicable through June 20th in southern WI, where replanting after this date is not advised. Traditionally, the notion of adequate weed control has led producers to desire higher plant stands to quickly shade out competing weeds. However, pre-herbicide use and modern post herbicide technology has essentially eliminated this concern.

This study only evaluated soybean replanting in terms of yield and did not take into account the economics of a replant decision, which include additional seed, fuel, labor, and machinery costs; along with potential crop insurance replant payments. Producers should consult their crop insurance agent before making any replant decisions. Ultimately, the producer’s efforts should be placed on using this data in conjunction with their own finances to determine if replanting will increase economic return.

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