Vegetable Crop Update June 26, 2015

Amanda J. Gevens, Assistant Professor & Extension Vegetable Plant Pathologist

Update 6/29: The late blight that was detected in Adams County WI is of the US-23 genotype/strain. This means that phenylamide fungicides such as metalaxyl and mefenoxam (ie: Ridomil) are effective in managing late blight. Other traits of US-23 include, A1 mating type, host range includes tomatoes, produces many relatively smaller sporangia (spores). This was the predominant type in the US last year.

The 18th issue of the Vegetable Crop Update is now available.  Click on the link below to view this update.

[wpfilebase tag=file path=’vgu/VeggieCropUpdateJune 26, 2015.pdf’ /]