Soybean Yield Contest

Shawn Conley, WI State Soybean and Wheat Extension Specialist

There are some record soybean yields sitting out in the fields this year. Don’t forget you have until October 15th to enter the WI Soybean Marketing Board and WI Soybean Association 2015 WI Soybean Yield Contest. Below please find direct links to the yield contest brochure, rules, and entry forms. Also please note a few minor changes to the rules.

2015 WI Soybean Yield Contest rule changes:

1.     The minimum field acreage has been reduced to 5 acres.
2.     The entry date has been extended until October 15.
3.     Division county borders have changed based on 10 year rolling yield averages. Please check map in brochure.

Please visit or click to view the 2015 WI Soybean Yield Contest rules and entry form.