Recap of Corn Agronomy blog during October

Joe Lauer, Wisconsin Corn Agronomist

Here are the most recent corn articles.

Temporary Corn Grain Storage Tips

 October 23: Due to high yields in some areas of Wisconsin, farmers are searching for temporary grain storage options this year. Picking sites that are elevated and have good drainage is the key to storing grain on the ground. The risk of crop loss is higher when grain is stored on the…

What Can We Learn From the 2015 Season?

October 12: The 2015 growing season is rapidly coming to a close. A killing frost has not occurred yet, but it is only a matter of time. Weather during 2015 has been similar to the 30-yr normal (click here and select year under “Weather Graphs” on left side). So 2015 will…

Corn Harvesting Losses

October 5: Grain has been drying exceptionally well during 2015, so many growers will be in the thick of grain harvest this week. All your hard work during the growing season can quickly be lost if your combine is not set correctly during harvest season. Taking some time to thoroughly read…