2015 Soybeans Herbicide Evaluation Program Results Now Available

Mark Renz and Dave Stoltenberg
Agronomy Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison; University of Wisconsin Extension

Evaluation of new and existing herbicides for use in soybeans has annually occurred in Wisconsin for over 30 years. This program continues to compare effectiveness of weed control of herbicides applied at a range of timings and rates. In many cases crop safety and yield are also evaluated. 2015 soybean herbicide results are now summarized and available (see below for details).

Research was conducted at Arlington Agricultural Research Station (2 trials). Please click on the Trial ID link for a pdf of the application information and summarized results. Note that values are an average of four replications. Standard deviations are also provided as often responses (e.g. weed control, crop yield) to any treatment can vary within a trial. Consider this variability in addition to average values when comparing treatments.

Location (Trial ID link): Herbicides Evaluated

Arlington (15-ARL-SB05): Authority Elite, Authority First, Authority Maxx, Boundary, Cadet, Durango, Extreme, Fierce, Firstrate, Marvel, Optill, Outlook, Roundup Powermax, Select, Sonic, Surveil, Verdict, Zidua

Arlington (15-ARL-SB06): Anthem Maxx, Authority Elite, Authority First, Authority MTZ, Cobra, Fierce, Marvel, Roundup Powermax

Arlington (15-ARL-SB07): Boundary, Broadaxe, Dual Magnum, Enlite, Fierce, Flexstar GT, Roundup Powermax, Sonic, Touchdown Total, Tricor, Valor SX

Arlington (15-ARL-SB08): Anthem, Authority Maxx, Fierce, Fierce XLT, Optill, Outlook, Prefix, Roundup Powermax, Prowl H20, Select, Sharpen, Verdict, Zidua

Arlington (15-ARL-SB09): Authority First, Authority MTZ, Boundary, Dual II Magnum, Envive, Fierce, Liberty, OpTill, Outlook, Prefix, Tricor, Valor XLT, Warrant

Please note that any information presented here is NOT an endorsement or recommendation of any one product over another. Some treatments may not be legal for use in parts of Wisconsin or beyond. Please read the label carefully and follow the directions provided on the label.