Wisconsin CCA Exam Resources

Bryan Jensen
UW Extension and IPM Program

Registration for the August CCA exams is now open, however, the June 24 exam registration deadline is less than a month away.   The first step in preparation for either the international and/or state exam is to review the Performance Objective for each exam. These performance objectives will provide a subject matter list for their respective exam and may be downloaded from the CCA website   https://www.certifiedcropadviser.org/ by clicking on the “exams” tab located at the top of the screen. Study materials for the International Exam are available at the above website by click on “CCA Exam Study Materials”.

Although UW-Extension does not offer a training session specific for the state exam, we have prepared a list of 50 YouTube videos with over 18 hours of instruction available for you to use.   Although these videos were designed specifically for the Wisconsin exam, they also serve as a general resource for field crops. The play list for each of the categories is:

Soil Science Fundamentals for Field Crops
Field and Forage Crop Fundamentals
Weed, Insect and Disease IPM for Field Crops

An additional set of electronic resources is available here with links provided to over 100 UW Extension resources. Furthermore, a list of UW-Madison websites is also available to supplement your studies.