Brian Hudelson, Sean Toporek, Jake Kurczewski and Ann Joy
The PDDC receives samples of many plant and soil samples from around the state. The following diseases/disorders have been identified at the PDDC from July 16, 2016 through July 22, 2016.
Plant/Sample Type, Disease/Disorder, Pathogen, County
Field Crops
Soybean, Herbicide Toxicity, None, Winnebago (IL)
Soybean, Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot, Phytophthora sp., Racine
Fruit Crops
Blueberry, Root Rot, Pythium sp., Fusarium sp., Jackson
Cherry, Anthracnose, Colletotrichum sp., Dane
Cherry, Brown Rot, Monilinia sp., Dane
Cherry, Powdery Mildew, Oidium sp., Racine
Vegetable Crops
Onion, Stemphylium Leaf Blight, Stemphylium sp., Columbia
Pepper, Bacterial Spot, Xanthomonas sp., Rock
Pepper, Pseudomonas Seedling Blight and Leaf Spot, Pseudomonas syringae, Rock
Potato, Potato Virus Y*, Potato virus Y, Oneida
Squash (Butternut), Fusarium Crown and Foot Rot, Rosarium sp., Portage
Tomato, Cucumber Mosaic, Cucumber mosaic virus, Door
Tomato, Septoria Leaf Spot, Septoria lycopersici, Outagamie
For additional information on plant diseases and their control, visit the PDDC website at