Wisconsin Pest Bulletin 8-25-16

Krista Hamilton, Entomologist, WI Dept of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Volume 61 Issue No. 17 of the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin is now available at:

I N S I D E  T H I S  I S S U E

LOOKING AHEAD:  Substantial corn earworm flights registered again this week

FORAGES & GRAINS:  Potato leafhopper counts remain low to moderate

CORN:  Final results of the annual corn rootworm beetle survey

SOYBEAN:  Japanese beetles still common in soybean fields

FRUITS: Late-season codling moth flights continue in several orchards

VEGETABLES:  Fall clean-up advised for reducing overwintering pest populations

NURSERY & FOREST: Leaf spot diseases of trees and shrub prevalent this season

DEGREE DAYS:  Growing degree day accumulations as of August 24, 2016