Wisconsin Pest Bulletin 8-4-16

Krista Hamilton, Entomologist, WI Dept of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Volume 61 Issue No. 14 of the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin is now available at:



  • LOOKING AHEAD: Corn rootworm beetle emergence expected to peak by mid-August
  • FORAGES & GRAINS: Potato leafhopper counts approaching threshold in alfalfa fields
  • CORN: Annual western bean cutworm flight subsiding across southern counties
  • SOYBEAN: Soybean aphid survey finds below-threshold counts as of August 3
  • FRUITS: First report of brown marmorated stink bug captured in a WI pheromone trap
  • VEGETABLES: True armyworm larvae appearing in later-planted sweet corn fields
  • NURSERY & FOREST: Two-spotted spider mites and spruce pests found this week
  • DEGREE DAYS: Growing degree day accumulations as of August 3, 2016