Wisconsin Fruit News, Issue 11

Janet van Zoeren, Christelle Guédot, and Amaya Atucha, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Departments of Entomology and Horticulture

Here is the 11th issue of the Wisconsin Fruit News: http://go.wisc.edu/w50w88

In it you will find information about:

  • Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic update
  • Endosulfan in strawberry, and correction on previous Rimon article
  • Insect Diagnostic Lab update
  • Unusual fruit crops for Wisconsin markets: Saskatoon
  • Mechanical harvesting of black currants
  • Cranberry degree-day map and update
  • Grape insect pests: multicolored Asian lady beetle
  • Grape disease update
  • Grape developmental stages
  • Reduced-risk insecticide profile: EntrustImpact of spotted wing drosophila on the cherry industry

All newsletters will also be posted onto at the Wisconsin Fruit website, available at www.fruit.wisc.edu. There you will also be able to search by category or tag, to find crops and/or subject material of interest to you on a particular day.