Daniel H. Smith, Mimi Broeske, and Kevin Shelley- Nutrient and Pest Management Program
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Spring fieldwork has been a challenge so far and termination of cover crops can be a challenge under less than ideal conditions. A recent publication from the Nutrient and Pest Management program details termination techniques, herbicide considerations, herbicides and weather, cover crop vs. forage crop concerns, and finally termination and crop insurance. Follow the link below to read the full article detailing the termination recommendations. https://ipcm.webhosting.cals.wisc.edu/download/misc/2017_CoverCropsTermination.pdf
In addition, a recent video from the Nutrient and Pest Management program details how to prevent cover crops from becoming problematic weeds. Follow the link to watch the video detailing the termination recommendations.
Finally, termination of winter rye and annual ryegrass using glyphosate can be a challenge. If glyphosate is going to be used for winter rye termination in a forage system, application should always take place following harvest for a legal herbicide application. Even though little biomass is left after harvest, a recent study found termination of the winter rye and annual ryegrass following forage harvest was possible. Follow the link below to read the full article detailing the study with termination recommendations. https://ipcm.webhosting.cals.wisc.edu/download/pubsPM/AnnualRye_WinterRye_Glyphosate.pdf