Wisconsin Pest Bulletin 5-25-16

Krista Hamilton, Entomologist, WI Dept of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Volume 62 Issue No. 5 of the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin is now available. Click here to view this issue.

I N S I D E  T H I S  I S S U E

LOOKING AHEAD:  Black cutworm peak damage period now open

FORAGES & GRAINS:  Alfalfa weevil larvae pressure increasing as alfalfa harvest is delayed

CORN:  Continue scouting for evidence of black cutworm infestation

SOYBEANS:  First soybean aphids expected to colonize fields by early June                                                                                                                     

FRUITS:  Codling moth emergence now underway across southern and central Wisconsin

VEGETABLES: Colorado potato beetle adults migrating into potato fields

NURSERY & FOREST: Assorted observations from this week’s nursery inspections

DEGREE DAYS: Degree day accumulations through May 24, 2017