Glenn Nice, PAT Program Manager
A new article that addresses the changes as they relate to the State of Wisconsin Pesticide Certification and Training.
The new rules were posted in the Federal Register on January 4, 2017, then pushed back to June 5, 2017 [EPA–HQ–OPP–2011–0183; FRL–9962–94], then pushed back again to May 22nd, 2018 [EPA–HQ–OPP–2011–0183; FRL–9963–34].
It will take time before the new requirements are implemented in Wisconsin. States have three years to modify existing state plans to comply with the new requirements, and an additional two years may be granted by the EPA if requested. The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) is preparing a plan that will have to be accepted by the EPA and then the State Statues will have to be opened and changed to fit the new C&T rules. So, we have some time before these rules kick in.