Veg Crop Updates Newsletter June 10, 2017

Amanda Gevens, Associate Professor & Extension Specialist, Potato & Vegetable Pathology, Plant Pathology Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Click here>>> UWEX Veg Crop Updates Newsletter #8

In this issue, the following topics are addressed

  • Late blight and early blight disease forecast updates
  • National late blight updates
  • National cucurbit downy mildew updates
  • Considering Phostrol (and other phosphorus acid fungicides) for potato disease control
  • Potato blackleg- Dickeya updates

For hop growing readers, please note that MI recently reported an uptick in powdery mildew.  Here in WI, we have not yet seen powdery mildew, but we did have our first formal report of the disease in the state in 2016 – so we know it is around.  Be on the look out for white, talcum-like colonies on leaves.  Downy mildew is still being observed in most parts of the state. A recent presentation on these diseases and fungicide information can be found here.