Veg Crop Updates Newsletter June 3, 2017

Amanda Gevens, Associate Professor & Extension Specialist, Potato & Vegetable Pathology, Plant Pathology Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Click here >>> UWEX Veg Crop Updates Newsletter #7  

In this issue I’ve addressed the following topics:

  • Disease forecasting updates for early blight and late blight
  • Late blight updates in US
  • Cucurbit downy mildew updates in the US
  • Fungicide considerations for cucurbit downy mildew control in 2017

Please note that while several fungicides are now less effective against downy mildew on cucurbits due likely to pathogen resistance, most of these fungicides still provide excellent management of Phytophthora crown and fruit rot. I will address this soilborne disease of cucurbits, tomatoes, peppers, and sometimes legumes, in an upcoming newsletter.