Weed Identification Series, Wild Buckwheat

Mark Renz UW Madison Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Chelsea Zegler UW Madison Associate Research Specialist

Wild buckwheat is also known as black-bindweed or false buckwheat. While this species has been in Wisconsin for well over a century and documented in nearly all counties (exceptions are Barron and Washburn counties) it is frequently misidentified as a bindweed (either hedge or field).  It is important to differentiate between these species, as wild buckwheat is an annual, therefore management method and timing can differ with respect to management.

As with most weeds it likes disturbed areas, so I typically see populations in corn and soybean fields but it can also be found along roadsides, and other right of way areas. It begins germinating in April, but can continue to germinate throughout the summer, and can be easily missed by post-emergent applications in crop. This results in significant vining and if populations are large increase harvest time in the fall. Plants can start to flower in June and depending on when they germinate flower later into the summer.

Due to a series of factors, this species is being seen more commonly in production fields throughout the Midwest.  To view the identification sheet click here….

[wpfilebase tag=file path=’weeds/Wild-Buckwheat.pdf’ /]

For more information on this species, including biology and control click here
