Food, Land & Water Conference

Jim VandenBrook, Wisconsin Land+Water

Wisconsin Land+Water invites you to join us at the Food, Land and Water conference on October 16-17, 2017 at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake. If you care about the future of Wisconsin’s agriculture and the land and water resources we all depend on, you’ll want to be part of this. Be part of the conversation that takes Wisconsin forward in a positive way. The Food, Land and Water Conference provides the platform for you to engage with folks involved in farming, conservation, academia, government, and elected office to chart the way forward. Wisconsin can have a vibrant farm economy and safe, clean water, and you can help set the agenda.

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Hear about a two year-long effort that poses a wide range of strategies to sustain agriculture and land and water resources in Wisconsin.
  • Help set long-range priorities facing surface water quality, groundwater quality, groundwater quantity, and the future of working lands.
  • Become a charter member of the Food, Land & Water Initiative to shape the long-term future of a sustainable Wisconsin.

Attendees will have a chance to listen, discuss, build new connections and working relationships, and think about our shared resources in a more systematic and collaborative way.

Check out the agenda reports from workgroups, and registration information at this site: Food, Land and Water. Be heard and be involved. Wisconsin needs you.