2017 Wisconsin Pest Management Update Meetings

Mark Renz UW Madison Associate Professor and Extension Specialist

Does you job involve pest management in field crops in Wisconsin?  If so consider attending one of our 7 update meetings held throughout the state November 6-10 (click here for specific schedule).
Topics that will be covered include
  1. Highlights of pest situations from the 2017 year in field crops
  2.  Updates on products used for integrated pest management in corn, soybeans, alfalfa, and small grains. 
  3. Diagnostic training on dicamba revolving around drift and off target injury as well as new regulations for products.
Costs varies by location, but attendees receive a packet with well over $50 in publications/resources including a copy of Pest Management in Wisconsin Field Crops and guides to Toxic Plants in Midwest Pastures and Forages and Wheat Disease Identification (as well as > 10 other pest related factsheets).
Questions feel free to contact any one of the PMU team (Mark Renz, Damon Smith, Bryan Jensen, Dan Heider).