CCAs Reaching the 20 Year Milestone!

Bryan Jensen
UW Extension

Just as we celebrate the new CCAs it is also time to honor those who have been certified for 20 years! Look through the list and see how many names you recognize. Wisconsin Agriculture is a small world. My guess is you will recognize several. Congratulations to all!

CCAs reaching the 20 year milestone:

Afdahl, Kurt

Bauer, David

Bensend, Andy

Brunner, William

Busse, Lisa

Durst, Daniel

Edgar, Christopher

Ehlers, Kevin

George, Patricia

Haynes, Mark

Heise, Randy

Hoffmann, Steven

Knutzen, Paul

Kufalk, Brad

Mullooly, Patrick

Petersen, Brent

Petrie, Thomas

Popple, Timothy

Prill, Todd

Riemer, Clark

Schofield, Matthew

Weihing, Mark

West, David

West, Brian