Weed Identification Series, Galinsoga (Quickweed)

Mark Renz UW Madison Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Chelsea Zegler UW Madison Associate Research Specialist

Due to the warm weather last week we thought we would share one more weed ID plant for the season: Quickweed aka Galinsoga. We actually have two species of this plant in Wisconsin, but they both act very similar so we decided to lump them into one category. These species have been historically common in urban areas as well as horticultural fields but I have been getting more and more reports in agronomic fields over the past 3-4 years.

Quickweed is a summer annual that grows, flowers and produces seed very fast; hence the name. What makes this plant so unique is seed usually aren’t dormant so seed produced in one year can germinate in the same year. While most germination occurs through June, it can continue through the summer and in some year even into the fall. I actually saw quite a few seedlings last week from our previous warm weather.

Check out the factsheet to learn about how to ID this species.