New Videos: Early Season Soybean Management

  1. Potential Causes of Poor Soybean Emergence in Cool Wet Soils

Dr. Damon Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison, visits a soybean field that shows signs of low emergence due to soil crusting and Pythium seed rot. The field has experienced cool wet weather after planting. Dr. Smith explains how to management is achieved through seed treatment or adjustments to planting populations. A target population on 140,000 seeds/acre applies to use of treated seeds. Without seed treatment, growers can adjust to a planting population of greater than 140,000 to make up for loses due to seed rot prior to emergence.

2. Soybean Emergence Issues in Cool Wet Soils

Dr. Shawn Conley, University of Wisconsin-Madison, goes to the field to discuss soybean emergence issues in cool wet soils. He shows a variety of damage that crusty soils can cause to emerging plants.

3. Soybean Replant Decisions and the Bean Cam Free App

Dr Shawn Conley, University of Wisconsin-Madison, discusses replanting management decisions in soybeans.

Free at Apple App Store:…

Free at the Google App Store:…

4. Early Season Management Options for White Mold in Soybean

Dr. Damon Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison, visits a soybean field to talk about white mold, row spacing, and the new Sporecaster white mold management smartphone app.

Check out this application for iPhone and iPad:…

Check out this application for Android:…