Wisconsin Fruit News- Volume 3, Issue 6

Janet van Zoeren and Christelle Guédot, UW-Extension


This week in the WI Fruit News you can read about:

  • Rain and insecticide applications
  • New fruit team publications, and updates to website
  • Insect Diagnostic Lab update
  • Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic update
  • Japanese beetle emergence has begun!
  • Cranberry plant and pest degree-days: June 27, 2018
  • Post bloom fruit-zone leaf removal. Now is the time!
  • A reason to start spraying fungicides early in the season
  • Grape variety developmental stages: June 28, 2018
  • Grape insect scouting report – Japanese beetle season begins
  • Section 24(c) Special Local Needs label for Mustang Maxx
  • Return bloom in apples