Pollinator Habitat Planning Workshop for Farmers and Landowners

Mark Renz, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist University of Wisconsin Madison

Interested in pollinator plantings for a client or your own farm? If so consider attending one of two workshops being held in August in Dane county (August 14th Edgerton, August 30th Cooksville). Presented by Friends of Silverwood Park, they will be taught by the Xerces Society in conjunction with NRCS and UW Extension. Trainings will offer a crash course in the basics of pollinator identification, biology, and habitat requirements as well as best management practices for establishment. Technical resources will be provided to participants to aid in establishment as well as an afternoon field session where participants can learn from experiences of landowners who have recently planted pollinator habitat. A registration fee of $50 will cover lunch and technical guides/resources. Scholarships are available to reduce registration costs. Farmers/landowners should contact Emily Halapatz (registration@silverwoodpark.org or 608.241-9744) and educators can apply through Wisconsin NCSARE program (Diane Mayerfield: dbmayerfeld@wisc.edu ).

Registration is available online for Edgerton (8/14) and Cooksville (8/30) or by contacting Emily Halapatz (registration@silverwoodpark.org or 608.241-9744).

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