2018 Wisconsin Weed Science Research Report

by Rodrigo Werle (UW-Madison Extension Cropping Systems Weed Scientist) and Ryan DeWerff (UW-Madison Weed Science Research Specialist)

The purpose of this report is to share the results of twenty-three corn and soybean herbicide evaluation research trials conducted by the WiscWeeds Program during the 2018 growing season. Information in this report does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of any particular product or practice. Information in this report also does not replace any information presented on pesticide labels.

Thanks to Ryan DeWerff, Weed Science Research Specialist & WiscWeeds Herbicide Evaluation Program Coordinator, for leading the efforts pertaining to this research report. Thanks for the WiscWeeds lab (Maxwel Oliveira, Sarah Striegel, Nikola Arsenijevic, Victor Ribeiro and Rachel Renz) and also Dan Smith and Richard Proost (UW NPM Program) for the assistance with establishing the field trials and data collection.

We sincerely thank the companies and organizations who have generously supported our research program through financial and/or material donations. We would also like to give a special thanks to the many UW faculty, staff, and Arlington and Lancaster Ag Research Stations and Rock County Farm personnel who provided valuable technical assistance with many aspects of the research projects presented herein.

To download the 2018 Wisconsin Weed Science Research Report, CLICK HERE (PDF FILE)

Please do not reproduce information presented within this report for public distribution without the expressed written consent from Dr. Rodrigo Werle.

Research Trials:

Corn Weed Control Trials

  • Evaluation of Harness Max Applied PRE Compared to Competitors
  • Evaluation of Harness Max Applied Early POST Compared to Competitors
  • Sequential Corn Herbicide Evaluation
  • Evaluation of Anthem Maxx Tank Mix Partners in 1 and 2-Pass Programs
  • Evaluation of Diflexx Duo Applied Early POST Compared to Competitors
  • Corn Herbicide Evaluation: 1 and 2-Pass Programs
  • Corvus Length of Residual with Atrazine vs Competitors
  • Liberty System Comparison with New Rates in Corn
  • Corn Herbicide System Comparison without Atrazine
  • ImpactZ and Impact Efficacy and Crop Safety in 1 and 2-Pass Programs
  • Corteva Herbicide Programs in Enlist Corn
  • Systems Approach to Weed Management in Corn

Soybean Weed Control Trials

  • Authority Brands Programs Efficacy in Soybean
  • Evaluation of Anthem Maxx Applied PRE Compared to Competitors
  • Evaluation of Fierce Herbicide in Liberty Link Soybean
  • Balance Bean Efficacy in Balance GT Soybean
  • Corteva Soybean Herbicide Programs
  • Systems Approach to Weed Control in Xtend Soybean
  • Tavium Plus Vaporgrip Technology Efficacy in Xtend Soybean
  • Engenia PRO System vs Competitors in Xtend Soybean
  • Utility of PRE/EPOST Application of Dicamba in Xtend Soybean
  • Evaluation of Single MOA Soybean Herbicides Applied PRE
  • UW Waterhemp Challenge: Comparison of Soil Residual Herbicides